Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My car

My favourite piece of technology is my car, it is a red peugeot 206 from the year 2008.
I got it the last year in Christmas day. My dad and my mom gave it to me like a present for my effort.

I use my car everyday to go to the University. I live in La Reina and the University is in La Pintana, that`s because my car is so useful. My family live in Quilpue and I go every weekend to my house, when we have long weekend I go with my car and the trip is shorter than in bus.
I like it, because it makes me the life easier and I can go everywhere and I must not worry about the mobilization.

I think I could live without it, because it is not essential, of course I could take the train or a bus, but it is more dangerous and the journey is longer and tedious.

That´s because my car is my favourite piece of technology.


  1. valee i love your car makes me reminddd a lot of moments jajaja!
    i want a car too!
    i see you

  2. I want a car too xD
    I hate take the bus and especially transantiago, It sucks.
    Your car is so beautiful I like too much the color =)

  3. I love your car
    but the most I like is the colour red
    it's so cool

    take care vale

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  5. I also want to have my own car!! haha
    Are you from Quilpue? how did you get used to drive here in santiago so quickly?! :S

  6. I want your car vale! Is very nice!!! hope someone gave me a car like that one day! =( haha... see you tomorrow...byee

  7. yeeeaaaah very good piece of technology, very useful, even I have gone in this car xD! Your car has a name? You might to do it :B


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  9. I hope that someday
    my parents or somebody
    gave me a car for
    some celebration, someday!

    see you.

  10. well...I like cars too, specially that car because its very used in rally races and its a winner in all of them.

    see you soon
